Food X’s Quiz thingy I made a while back…..

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The Food X’s Quiz

1) When picking out fruit flavoured sweets, do you opt for:
[X] Green (Lime, usually)
[] Red (Strawberry or Raspberry)
[] Purple (blackcurrant)
[] Yellow (Lemon)
[] Other:

2) Do you prefer:
[X] Peppermints
[X] Spearmints
[X] Any damn mint
[] Hate Mint flavoured stuff!

3) Given a choice, would you prefer to get fast food from:
[X] McDonalds
[] Burger King
[] Pizza Hut
[] Domino’s Pizza
[] KFC
[X] A British Fish & Chip shop
[] An Indian Take-away
[] A Chinese Take-away
[] Other:

4) Which chocolate do you like best?
[X] Cadbury’s
[] Mars
[X] Nestle
[X] Hershey’s
[X] MILKA (German brand)
[X] Ritter Sport (German brand)
[X] Kinder
[X] Ferrero

[X] Green & Black’s
[] Any Plain chocolate
[] Any Milk Chocolate
[] Any White Chocolate
[] Other:
[] Hate chocolate

5) What’s your favourite Ice Cream?
[] Vanilla
[] Chocolate
[X] Mint / Choc Chip
[X] Raspberry Ripple
[] Strawberry
[] Rum & Raisin
[X] Toffee / Fudge
[X] Butterscotch
[] Banana
[] Other:

6) What’s your favourite thing(s) for breakfast?
[] Plain Cornflakes / Rice Krispies
[X] Chocolate cereal
[X] Honey & Nut flavoured cereal
[] Cinnamon Cereal
[] Doughnuts
[X] Coffee
[] Tea
[X] Fried bacon / sausage(s) / egg(s) / Bread, etc
[X] Toast
[] Usually skip breakfast
[X] Other: Porridge

7) What’s your favourite fizzy drink(s)?
[X] Coke
[] Pepsi
[X] Dr Pepper
[] Sunkist Orange
[] Fanta Orange
[] Appletise
[X] Ginger Ale / Ginger Beer
[X] Dandelion & Burdock
[] 7.UP
[] Sprite
[X] Lemonade (clear)
[] Lemonade (Traditional cloudy stuff)
[X] Cherryade
[] Orangeade
[] Other:

8) Do you like Spicy food?
[X] Yes
[] No
[] Only if it’s only a little bit spicy
[] Only if it’s nearly spicy enough to blow ma head off

9) What’s your favourite Pie?
[] Pork Pie
[X] Steak Pie
[X] Steak & Kidney Pie
[] Chicken Pie
[] Chicken & Mushroom Pie
[] Pumpkin Pie
[] Lemon Meringue
[] Other Pie:
[] Don’t like Pie

10) What’s your favourite Tart? (filled pastry casing)
[X] Strawberry Tart
[] Lemon Tart
[] Custard Tart
[X] Yorkshire Curd Tart
[] Other Tart
[] Never tried any
[] Hate Tarts

11) What’s your favourite kinda cake?
[X] Plain Sponge
[X] Chocolate Sponge
[X] Ginger Cake
[X] Chocolate Gateau
[X] Black Forest Gateu
[X] Battenburg
[X] Madeira sponge
[] Fruit Cake / Christmas Cake
[X] Jaffa Cake
[X] Cherry cake
[X] Any Cake
[] Other:

12) What’s your favourite kinda biscuit / cookie?
[] Rich Tea
[] Custard Creams
[X] Ginger
[] Nice
[] Malted Milk
[] Oreo’s
[X] Bourbon Creams
[] Digestives
[] Chocolate Digestives
[X] Chocolate Chip
[X] Pink Wafers
[] Plain Shortbread
[] Fruit Shortbread
[] Other:

13) What’s your favourite booze?
[] Red Wine
[X] White Wine
[X] Champagne / Sparkling White wine
[X] Sherry
[X] Port
[X] Brandy
[X] Whiskey / Whisky
[] Vodka
[X] Beer
[] Tequila
[] Absinthe
[] Gin
[] Any, as long as it gets me drunk
[] Other:

14) Do you prefer:
[X] Whole Milk
[] Semi-Skimmed Milk
[] Skimmed Milk
[] Soya Milk
[] UHT Milk
[X] Chocolate Milkshake
[] Strawberry Milkshake
[X] Banana Milkshake
[] Hate Milk

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Author: admin-jduck1979

Falling to bits skint Yorkshire bloke who likes knocking together websites in the hope I might make quite a few quid out of one of them some day.

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