2k7 Questionnaire

(originally posted to MySpace Bulletins, but it appears to be playing silly sods again there as usual and not showing!)

1) Where did you begin 2007?
In the livingroom watching SKY NEWS, or maybe BBC1 with the old git

2) What was your status by Valentine’s Day?
Bordering teetering on the edge of giving up completely, and thinking all those I wanted to hook up with hated me (pretty much same today, only worse)

3) Were you in school (anytime this year)?

4) How did you earn your money?
Unemployment benefit, a couple extra £££’s helping my grandma on Saturdays…. 2 or 3 small (<£8) wins on the Euromillions lottery, Dividend payments on my share portfolio, a pay-out from product review / surveys / comparison site Ciao, interest payments from the money I’ve got loaned out at ZOPA + a few £££’s earned from running AMAZON ASSOCIATES adverts on my websites.

5) Did you have to go to the hospital?
Nope… even despite my back going out on me 2/3 times, cutting my tongue on a knife licking curry off it, hurting my wrist while drying my hands on a tea towel + probably picking up several other stupid but painful injuries I’ve forgotten about.

6) Did you have any encounters with the police?
Twice at the end of May / beginning of June when some little twat stole my Nintendo DS Original, NEW Super Mario Bros game cart + my Nokia N-Gage phone.

Random bag check @ York Railway Station during a day trip down there in September.

7) Where did you go on holiday?
Nowhere…. ain’t had a holiday away from home since 1994, and can’t afford one either.

8) What did you pay for that was over $1000?
Nothing, I’ve been largely too skint to buy much all year.

9) Did you know anybody who got married?
Not that I can remember

10) Did you move anywhere?
No (only from my chair here at the computer, to the toilet and back again + to the shops and back, etc lol)

11) What concerts/shows did you go to?

12) Are you registered to vote?
Since 1997

13) Who did you want to win Big Brother?
Couldn’t give a crap about it.

14) Where do you live now?
Same place i’ve lived for the last 28yrs (apart from when I stayed at my Grandparents the first couple of times my Mum had brain tumours)….. flat above the family’s grocery store, just outside Whitby (and it’s marked on GOOGLE EARTH)

15) Describe your birthday.
Light snow / hailstones / forecast heavy showers…… none of my online friends bothered to send me a card / present / wish me happy birthday despite the effort I often go to to send the ones who’ve given me their snail-mail address something – the only one who did have a good excuse was stuck in Hospital in California recovering from major Spinal surgery.
Had about £55-£60 fall out of the cards from family, but it largely went towards trying to bring my bank balance closer towards being back in credit.
It was on 20th March, if anyone cares for future reference.

16) What’s one thing you thought you’d never do but did in 2007?
Start my own business – http://www.jd-photography-webdesign.co.uk
but it’s been running since end of September, and the sales figures resemble the Pope’s sex life.

17) What has been your favorite moment?
Apart from getting my Fuji S6500fd (S6000fd) Digital camera, I think this year has largely been a series of kicks in the teeth.

18) What’s something you learned?
That relationships are largely a waste of time (unless anyone reading this wants to prove otherwise).

19) Any new additions to your family?

20) What was your best month?
I don’t think there’s been one

21) What music will you remember 2007 by?

22) Who has been your best drinking buddy?
The usual….. my right hand, and the fluff in my belly button

23) Made new friends?
No, but had plenty of people I thought were my friends kick me in the teeth

24) Best new friend?
Ummm….. nope, not really been seeking out new friends this year, as it’s getting rarer & rarer that I flick through profiles / penpal adverts and come across anyone I click with.
Had a few of my all time favourite online friends get back in touch with me (Christina G, Kat, Melly)……. but also had considerably more turn their backs on me for no good reason / ignore me for long periods of time, despite my best efforts to be “nice” (Catherine Q-T, Alicia, Alissa, Jessie H…..) – when that happens, they invoke the “JD Grudge” (when that’s triggered it can take years to make amends, no matter how hard they beg for forgiveness)….. and makes me even less inclined to bother go looking for replacement friends (the last one i felt any form of connection with was as long ago as 2005 from a Prison penpals website)

25) Favorite Night out?
I never have nights out

Food X’s Quiz thingy I made a while back…..

The Food X’s Quiz

1) When picking out fruit flavoured sweets, do you opt for:
[X] Green (Lime, usually)
[] Red (Strawberry or Raspberry)
[] Purple (blackcurrant)
[] Yellow (Lemon)
[] Other:

2) Do you prefer:
[X] Peppermints
[X] Spearmints
[X] Any damn mint
[] Hate Mint flavoured stuff!

3) Given a choice, would you prefer to get fast food from:
[X] McDonalds
[] Burger King
[] Pizza Hut
[] Domino’s Pizza
[] KFC
[X] A British Fish & Chip shop
[] An Indian Take-away
[] A Chinese Take-away
[] Other:

4) Which chocolate do you like best?
[X] Cadbury’s
[] Mars
[X] Nestle
[X] Hershey’s
[X] MILKA (German brand)
[X] Ritter Sport (German brand)
[X] Kinder
[X] Ferrero

[X] Green & Black’s
[] Any Plain chocolate
[] Any Milk Chocolate
[] Any White Chocolate
[] Other:
[] Hate chocolate

5) What’s your favourite Ice Cream?
[] Vanilla
[] Chocolate
[X] Mint / Choc Chip
[X] Raspberry Ripple
[] Strawberry
[] Rum & Raisin
[X] Toffee / Fudge
[X] Butterscotch
[] Banana
[] Other:

6) What’s your favourite thing(s) for breakfast?
[] Plain Cornflakes / Rice Krispies
[X] Chocolate cereal
[X] Honey & Nut flavoured cereal
[] Cinnamon Cereal
[] Doughnuts
[X] Coffee
[] Tea
[X] Fried bacon / sausage(s) / egg(s) / Bread, etc
[X] Toast
[] Usually skip breakfast
[X] Other: Porridge

7) What’s your favourite fizzy drink(s)?
[X] Coke
[] Pepsi
[X] Dr Pepper
[] Sunkist Orange
[] Fanta Orange
[] Appletise
[X] Ginger Ale / Ginger Beer
[X] Dandelion & Burdock
[] 7.UP
[] Sprite
[X] Lemonade (clear)
[] Lemonade (Traditional cloudy stuff)
[X] Cherryade
[] Orangeade
[] Other:

8) Do you like Spicy food?
[X] Yes
[] No
[] Only if it’s only a little bit spicy
[] Only if it’s nearly spicy enough to blow ma head off

9) What’s your favourite Pie?
[] Pork Pie
[X] Steak Pie
[X] Steak & Kidney Pie
[] Chicken Pie
[] Chicken & Mushroom Pie
[] Pumpkin Pie
[] Lemon Meringue
[] Other Pie:
[] Don’t like Pie

10) What’s your favourite Tart? (filled pastry casing)
[X] Strawberry Tart
[] Lemon Tart
[] Custard Tart
[X] Yorkshire Curd Tart
[] Other Tart
[] Never tried any
[] Hate Tarts

11) What’s your favourite kinda cake?
[X] Plain Sponge
[X] Chocolate Sponge
[X] Ginger Cake
[X] Chocolate Gateau
[X] Black Forest Gateu
[X] Battenburg
[X] Madeira sponge
[] Fruit Cake / Christmas Cake
[X] Jaffa Cake
[X] Cherry cake
[X] Any Cake
[] Other:

12) What’s your favourite kinda biscuit / cookie?
[] Rich Tea
[] Custard Creams
[X] Ginger
[] Nice
[] Malted Milk
[] Oreo’s
[X] Bourbon Creams
[] Digestives
[] Chocolate Digestives
[X] Chocolate Chip
[X] Pink Wafers
[] Plain Shortbread
[] Fruit Shortbread
[] Other:

13) What’s your favourite booze?
[] Red Wine
[X] White Wine
[X] Champagne / Sparkling White wine
[X] Sherry
[X] Port
[X] Brandy
[X] Whiskey / Whisky
[] Vodka
[X] Beer
[] Tequila
[] Absinthe
[] Gin
[] Any, as long as it gets me drunk
[] Other:

14) Do you prefer:
[X] Whole Milk
[] Semi-Skimmed Milk
[] Skimmed Milk
[] Soya Milk
[] UHT Milk
[X] Chocolate Milkshake
[] Strawberry Milkshake
[X] Banana Milkshake
[] Hate Milk