Surprisingly Clean Shoes

JD's Clean shoes - 23 October 2019
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Getting back from town about half an hour ago, and as a sign of just how exciting my life is right now, I checked under my shoes on the way in, and I’m not sure how my Karrimor Walking Shoes are this clean underneath them considering the amount of mud and dog turds I had to dodge my way past to make it to town and back…..

JD's Clean shoes - 23 October 2019

The state of the River/Rail footpath between Ruswarp & Whitby has not been that great lately, and the pavements along Windsor Terrace + Stakesby Road not much better.

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Author: admin-jduck1979

Falling to bits skint Yorkshire bloke who likes knocking together websites in the hope I might make quite a few quid out of one of them some day.

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